Stefano Ivancich

Online Education Platform

IBM Call For Code: Education Innovation Case Competition

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This is our solution for the IBM Call for code Education Innovation Case Competition held from September 30 to November 11 2021.

This competition is about Bringing students together to design solutions that make education a right, not a privilege.

Challenge: Design an innovative technology solution that addresses a problem aligned to achieving accessible and equitable quality education.

The Issue

Even though COVID-19 has lead to the opportunity of an effective e-learning, its spread made it impossible to socialize and create a strong network between students, crucial aspect for a personal and educational growth.

Our magic solution

A high-quality education system that includes diversities is the focus of this project. LearningRoad is a free platform that provides equitable and accessible education with a score and review-based Tutor system. People will be able to live a daily school life where nobody feels excluded and where everybody can interface with teachers and classmates without feeling part of a parallel world.

Business Model Canvas

Solution Flow Diagram

Presentation Slides

User Interface Prototype